Migraine is a disorder probably determined genetically and unleashed by multiple factors: stress, hormones, sleep, climate, foods, exercise, alcohol, etc. In 70-80% of cases there is a family history. Its importance is due to it being highly prevalent (12%) and the incidence of incapacitating crises.
Migraine may be: without aura, with aura, with sustained aura, basilar migraine, ophthalmoplegia migraine, retinal migraine.
The complications of migraine may be: status migraine, and migraine infarction.
Treatment is pharmacological, but in some cases drugs are not very effective. In cases where the symptoms of migraine are severe and recurrent, surgical treatment of migraine is available through OCCIPITAL NERVE STIMULATION. This is simple, extracranial surgery with very few complications and where occipital nerve is stimulated bilaterally.
The probability of improvement with this technique in this type of headache is 50%.